BAWL & Friends Newsletter

December 2023 Edition


Hello, Writers!

Hopefully your holiday season is going well.

There is an exciting announcement for 2024. We will have our first in-person meeting since the pandemic put a stop to them in 2020. This is big news and we hope everyone will go to the Events page and RSVP. The goal is to have the in-person meetings at the Freeman Library in the Clear Lake area on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 6-7pm cst.

This was first announced a couple of weeks ago by Debi Fairchild in our Members Forum. Debi has volunteered to coordinate speaker events in 2024. Please take a moment to login to the forum and thank Debi for her time as well as provide any questions you may have for the first scheduled speaker, Anthony Hughes. Debi would also like to hear from you regarding suggestions for future speakers.

On January 24th Anthony Hughes will speak on the topic of Cybersecurity and AI for Writers. Mr. Hughes is a versatile entrepreneur, musician, and writer/poet, driven by a passion for aiding others. As the founder of Clockwise Solutions, he's dedicated to enhancing productivity, whether in business teams or on a personal level. A poet, Mr Hughes grew up reading Dr. Seuss and conversing with his parents in rhyme. He was raised in Alaska where he learned dog sledding from Inuits. Mr. Hughes is a subject matter expert with a training certification from OpenAI. He will be speaking on cybersecurity and how it could help writers online. He will also give a demo on a poem he wrote years ago and one he wrote with AI to show the differences. Tony is eager to assist individuals in bringing their creative projects to fruition. He is also a veteran.

We look forward to seeing many of you there!

In other news NaNoWriMo finished successfully for all of us who participated. The daily support calls were a huge help.

The end of the year is a great for relaxing and spending loving, peaceful time with family. Hopefully. In that spirit there will be no Write-in events the last two weeks of December or the first week of January. Saturday December 16th will be the last event of 2023, January 8th will be the first event of 2024. See Events if in doubt.

Happy New Year to all y'all!

- Kelley (aka Kym)

Monthly Feature

Writers On Strike & AI

Stuff to think about going in to the January 24th, In-Person meeting.


Writing Prompt Image of the Month.

Inspirational Quote of the Month:

“Each age has deemed the new-born year
The fittest time for festal cheer.”
                                     ― Sir Walter Scott


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