BAWL & Friends Newsletter

October 2023 Edition


Hello, Writers!

How glorious it is to finally have some rain and cooler temperatures? I hope everyone is enjoying it.

I'm excited to challenge you all to participate in NaNoWriMo, 2023. Please read this month's feature for the details. I hope you will seriously consider this fabulous opportunity to write every day and enjoy the fruits of your labors at the end of November. In support of this challenge we will have a DAILY zoom write-in available to all. That's right, daily for every day in November from 9-10am cdt.  If we get a fair amount of people who'd like to meet up in person at a local library, for example, we can work out those details during the write-in also. RSVP for the event here on the website to get the Zoom details. If you've always struggled to accomplish your writing goals this may be a process that will benefit you. It may also help in establishing your daily writing habit. Consider yourself challenged!

A few additional things to bring up this month.

First, the first Thursday of every month write-in has been cancelled. The purpose of the Thursday event had been to offer members and visitors the opportunity to have a write-in outside normal business hours; however, for the last couple of months there were no participants so the decision has been made to not carry on with it. The third Saturday of every month write-in is still on the events calendar.

In an effort to expand participation we are informally starting to refer to ourselves as BAWL and Friends. The purpose is to welcome writers from more than just the greater Houston area. Not only do we want a broader area of participation we'd also like to have more youngsters involved. Are you the parent or a grandparent of a person who loves to write? Let's talk about how we can involve them. Perhaps the 3rd Saturday Write-Ins might be a good start. Thoughts welcomed in the forum.  Maybe even volunteer to champion a youth program? Please consider it.

Volunteers make BAWL events happen. Whether it be leading a write-in, a special session, in-person events, editing for the Anthology, writing articles, creating artwork or having a monthly column in the newsletter - all of this is done by volunteers. If you would like to give a little of your time please contact Becky Ellisor. 

It is a great time of year as we head into all the seasonal holidays. Best wishes to all of you for a safe and enjoyable Autumn!

- Kelley

Monthly Feature

NaNoWriMo Challenge

Finally write that novel you've been wanting to write by utilizing the NaNoWriMo process. 


Writing Prompt Image of the Month. They finally wrote their novel.

Inspirational Quote of the Month:

“Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way.”

 Ray Bradbury

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