BAWL & Friends Newsletter

January 2024 Edition


Hello, Writers!

And Hello 2024!!

The big news of this month is our in-person meeting January 24th, 2024 at the Freeman Library in the Clear Lake area. These meetings are currently planned for the fourth Wednesday of each month from 6-7pm cst. This is an exciting new beginning for the league and we truly hope many of you will RSVP (Events page) and join us.  Debi Fairchild has written the Feature for this month to share a bit more about what is in store for us this year.

Here are a couple of announcements regarding opportunities. One is for Equinox Journal (Poetry & Prose) and the other is regarding Haiku submissions to Poet's Picnic. The first is about Equinox and I am posting the information here in full:

I'm reaching out to all writers and artists who have submitted to Equinox in the past to let you know about our current call for submissions for our upcoming spring issue. Some of you already know about it and have sent us work to consider, and some of you might be still considering it. But in case you haven't heard, here are some details about the spring edition of Equinox. 

As in the past, it is a themed issue, and this time the theme is "Just Add Water." This theme should evoke various responses: bodies of water; water in our bodies; water as a catalyst (as in recipes, chemical reactions, or even the ads for sea monkeys at the back of old comic books); water as a force for creation or destruction; water as a source of energy; water as a universal symbol and water as portrayed in the world's mythologies; the water all life emerged from as it evolved and the water we all emerge from when we are born; the water all living things need to live, water which has been ecologically compromised by human enterprises. And so on...there are numerous ways to reflect on this open-ended theme.

We are again offering three prizes of $100 each: one in each category--poetry, short prose, and image. The prize money comes from submission fees and donations (or out of our own pockets if we don't get enough of those!) Your submission helps us keep making Equinox a journal that showcases the incredible work writers and artists, nurtures a creative community, and remains free to the public.

As always, we hope to include both traditional and experimental forms from a diverse group of writers and artists. While we are interested in fresh, original voices and perspectives on relevant topics, we also value meticulous attention to craft. Our goal is to select judiciously, curate carefully, and make each edition of Equinox even more striking and compelling than the last. Whether you have been published by us several times or you have not been published by us (yet), we urge you to submit your work and show us your unique take on the evocative theme, "Just Add Water."

I can't wait to see what you come up with--


REPLY or SUBMIT both require userids on Submittable.

Here is the one for Haiku... the Albuquerque page indicates "New Mexico poets" but not sure if it is exactly limited to that. Info below if you want to pursue.

January 31 will be here in a little more than three weeks, so I want to remind you that this is the deadline for submitting work to the Poets Picnic scheduled for May 4, 2024.

 If you’ve already submitted, thank you (but if you didn’t hear that your submissions were received, then they weren’t). Please follow the guidelines closely, including the minimum number of poems (which is to increase your chances of having a poem accepted)! Feel free to share these guidelines with other New Mexico poets!

Accepting Nature Haiku Submissions NOW through January 31st — City of Albuquerque (

 If you’d prefer not to receive these emails about the Poets Picnic, let me know and I will remove you from the database.

Happy New Year, Scott Wiggerman

Did you make a New Year resolution to write more and submit more? Well, there you go. I've also posted these in the Forums in a new thread where anyone can post opportunities which is where all future opportunities will be posted.

After a short break, the Monday / Wednesday 2-4pm write-in events have resumed. We would love to meet more of you there. Go to EVENTS and RSVP so you can get the Zoom link.

If any of you are interested in writing a regular or one-time Feature for this newsletter please contact us. The league is for everyone and group participation is encouraged!

There is some sad news regarding poet, Mary Margaret Carlisle. Please see the news / announcements webpage for her obituary.

Hope to meet many of you at the in-person event.

- Kelley

(aka Kym)

Monthly Feature

BAWL In-Person Events Are Back!

Dialog on this topic via the member forums is encouraged.


Writing Prompt Image of the Month.

Inspirational Quote of the Month:

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
 John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

OR, perhaps:

What good is the cool weather in Houston winter without the scorching hot summer to give it sweetness.  


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