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NaNoWriMo 2023

  • 1 Nov 2023
  • 9:00 AM
  • 30 Nov 2023
  • 10:00 AM
  • Online

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The NaNoWriMo Support Write-In

To know more about NaNoWriMo please read the October Newsletter Feature. Unlike other features the NaNoWriMo Challenge is available to everyone, not just members. 

A Write-in is a set time to write with other writers. A write-in can break writer's block, build confidence, inspire that creature in your brain that has to write and has fallen out of the habit, help you share your thoughts with people who have been there, or a write-in will call out your muse if she is hidden or lost. Write-ins can help stalled writers. And these are special write-in events meant to assist you in finishing your NaNoWriMo goals and could also help you establish (re-establish?) your daily habit to write. 

For every day during the month of November there will be a Zoom write-in meeting, that's online, from 9am cdt to 10am cdt. Unlike our other write-ins there is no expectation to read what you've written for the group. This isn't a requirement for the other write-ins but people usually do read to the group what they've written. Not so for NaNoWriMo month.  This is simply a gathering to help you commit, help you get through those days when you don't think you can do it. It's to support you to achieve your goals for the month, whatever they may be!  And, everyone is welcomed!

To receive access to the zoom online link, you must RSVP.  Then the zoom dial in information will be sent to you in a confirmation email.

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