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2023 Anthology Rules and Guidelines

Theme this year: SPACE

If you have ever wanted to see your writing published with your name on it - now is your opportunity.  As a service to members and the Houston area community, BAWL will publish an anthology of short stories, essays, flash fiction and poetry with the theme of Space in December 2023.  You do not need to be a member of the Bay Area Writers League to submit for publication. Members : please share this information with others who may be interested.

The final deadline is August 31st, 2023 at midnight.

Prior anthologies are available in print as well as on Kindle. Buy a copy to see the quality and type of writings we accept. Available from Amazon.

As a submitter, you will not only see your name as the author; but will also receive valuable editing suggestions from our editorial board, so your work will be the best it can be.

Each submitter will receive editing advice and one print copy of the Anthology.

There is a lot of work to do before publication. Members can get involved by working on the editorial and publishing committee and by submitting their work to be included. If you want to get involved with the production of this anthology: contact Becky Ellisor.  If you want to see your work in print, review the requirements and SUBMIT HERE.

Submission Guidelines for 2023 Bay Area Writers League Anthology

Deadline August 30, 2023


What to Submit:

·       Your best unpublished and edited story, essay, flash fiction, or poem following the theme of Space or using the word space (any meaning of space) somewhere in the work. You may submit more than one poem, or story or essay for your entry price. 

How to Submit:  Use this link: SUBMIT HERE to pay the fee. Then send your submissions to

Deadline: August 30, 2023, at midnight. 

Payment:   $30 to Bay Area Writers League members, $40 for non-members. You may submit up to four items per payment

Formatting Guidelines for each item submitted:

.     You may submit up to four items per payment:

·        Length: Less than 100 or no more than 1,500 words for flash fiction, stories or essays up to 4500 words, up to 100 lines for poems.

·       Two separate MS Word documents (or Open Office documents) per submission:

                            1) Cover Page, 2) Item being Submitted (without your name)

                            see below for details

·       One (1) inch margins all around

·       Double-spaced

·       Times New Roman (12-pt font)

·       No Headers please, top or bottom

·       Cover page with:

  • Author’s Name and contact information
  • Titles of Work
  • Types of Work (Poetry or short stories or essays or flash fiction)
  • Word count (not including the title.)

    Submissions that are extremely sexual or violent will be returned to you as unacceptable. All work will be edited and returned to you for your acceptance or rejection of changes. Submission entitles the Bay Area Writers League, Inc. to first-time publication rights only: online and in print.

    All submissions will be edited. You will work with the editor assigned to you and give your permission for any changes.

    Each submitter will receive editing advice and one print copy of the Anthology.

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